Natchaug Music Newsletter: The Voice of Still Pickin’ Vol. 5 #1 February 14, 2017 A big mid-winter hello to all our fans. Wasn’t winter going along nicely until a week or so ago? One good thing. We didn’t lose power during any of the storms, and no trees came down in our yard. I haven’t looked in Jim’s yard yet. I thought I would just leave that for him to do. As you know, he’s down in Florida, laughing at us. Our first gig for this season ahead will be on April 25th when we return to Athena Health Care in
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Newsletter Vol. 4 #5
Natchaug Music Newsletter: The Voice of Still Pickin’ Vol. 4 #5 December 15, 2016 We finished up our 2016 season with a nice concert at the Killingly Grange in Dayville, CT. The folks who come out to the grange to hear bluegrass music are a very receptive crowd. They love the music. It is always fun to perform for them. Jim left the next morning before daybreak for his home in Florida leaving us all behind to get through these brutal winter days. He will be playing golf of course so it’s just a matter of out-of-sight-out-of-mind. We’ll have to be
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Newsletter Vol. 4 #4
Natchaug Music Newsletter: The Voice of Still Pickin’ Vol. 4 #4 September 2, 2016 Here we are at the end of summer. How quickly did that happen! Wouldn’t it be nice if winter went by a little quicker? We have been plugging along with our gigs and are a little more than halfway through our list of bookings. I think the Podunk Festival in August may well have been the hottest place on earth that weekend. And that’s where we were, along with many others. All sweating up a storm. But, as usual, it was a marvelous festival in spite
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Newsletter Vol. 4 #3
Natchaug Music Newsletter, Vol. 4 No. 3 7/26/2016 The Voice of Still Pickin’ Here we are at mid-year already. Our country-western/bluegrass trio had a very nice first half of our season. We also had several weeks off in July and we all enjoyed having that free time. Both Bob and Jim mow lawns just for the fun of it so it’s not like they sat around wondering what to do with their wind-fall of time. Still Pickin’ played at the prestigious Gazebo in Andover, a much sought after venue. Jim, Bob and I had been there
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Newsletter Vol. 4 #2
Natchaug Music Newsletter: The Voice of Still Pickin’ Vol. 4 No. 2 5/15/2016 In our first newsletter back in March, we had not yet gotten started with our music season. Now here we are, in full swing. I had told you about the brand new Old Time Music Festival that was coming up in Portland, CT. I hope you had a chance to attend some of it. Still Pickin’ performed there as planned, kicking off their music for the day at a
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Newsletter Vol. 4 #1
Natchaug Music Newsletter: Vol. 4 #1 March 26, 2016 I hope your new year is going well for you. For Still Pickin’ it is a new season and we have a good number of performances lined up. Not as many as last year yet but the season is still young and I am sure more gigs will present themselves. Each season we turn down as least as many concerts as those we accept, especially the ones that come in during the winter months. We just can’t play them all, so we need to be selective. As usual, Jim is
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Newsletter Vol. 3 #2
Natchaug Music Newsletter – Vol. 3 No. 2 Topics in This Issue: New Project – Patsy Cline tribute band launched Songwriting Highlight – New co-writing project renders award Podunk Bluegrass Festival – Extends invitation to Still Pickin’ Busy Trio – Still Pickin’ performing in three states this season New Project – In our previous newsletter I mention that we were starting up a new group. Two members of Still Pickin’ were involved with the launching of the Patsy Cline tribute band. Myself and Jim Sharpley. The one who did the most work was Jim who had a long list of
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Newsletter Vol. 3 #1
Newsletter 2015 V. 3 #1 This is my first newsletter of 2015 for Natchaug Music Publishing and if you were on the list last year, then you are also on this year. Some of you have been added New this year. Remember that it is easy to have your name removed just by telling me. I know you all made it through the winter. Just barely, you say? Me too. But here we are in the middle of April and the weather is certainly looking good right now. It surely was nice to again have the winter off and not
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Newsletter Vol. 2 #2
Subject: Newsletter 2014 Vol. 2 No. 2 As I eluded to in our first Newsletter, we are very happy to announce the addition of bluegrass fiddler, Kathy White, to the Natchaug Trail Band. Kathy comes to us from Hatfield, MA where she has been raising her family over the years. Prior to that task, she worked with Adirondack Mountain Bluegrass, The Mountain Rose Band and other bluegrass bands in the Massachusetts area. Feeling that it was now time to get back into the music scene, Kathy has chosen the Natchaug Trail band as her next endeavor. We are pleased that
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Newsletter Vol. 2 #1
Subject: Newsletter 2014 Vol. 2 No. 1 This newsletter comes to you from Natchaug Music Publishing and it’s our first issue to keep you informed about Still Pickin’ and Natchaug Trail this season. You are on our mailing list because you are a fan of ours….or….because we want to invite you to be a fan of ours. If you wish to be off this list, just let us know. We know you’re busy and we don’t aim to annoy! The Still Pickin’ trio (SP), now six years old, plays traditional country-western songs of the early country music pioneers. It consists
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